"Poppy", 2007
Prismacolor pencil on Strathmore paper, 9 3/4" x 7"

"Mock Orange", 2007
Prismacolor pencil on Strathmore paper, 7" x 11"
I continued to work with colored pencil. "Mock Orange" was drawn with blooms from the yard placed on my drawing board. The leaves were done with the impressed line technique to form the veins. Impressed line can work in a number of ways, for example, keeping a white paper for a cat's whiskers. Lighter colors cannot be added over dark with pencil, but if a light is forgotten, it can be added at the end with gouache.
"Poppy" was drawn from two photos. I used parts of each picture and simplified the background. The background was completed with many layers of colored pencil. The stems in this picture have not been completed.
hi, my name is alexander. this drawn is beautiful... is a summary about the real life... thanks for show us your art.
my blogspot is: www.requiemintangible.blogspot.com
hola, mi soy alexander, este dibujo es hermoso, es como una sintesis de la vida real... gracias por mostrarnos tu arte.
Thanks, Alexander. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing my work.
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